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Hawks is one of the heroes we get introduced to in the show. He is ahigh rankingHero, and when we get introduced to him, he is ranked number 2 among all the heroes in the world. Despite this, he is alsoyoungerthan most of the other heroes we get to see. Despite not having had much time to really highlight his character, we do have more than enough material to look at his character in depth.

We are going to discuss many of his skills and abilities, before going into his relationships and affiliations. Lastly, we are going to talk about his role in the My Hero Academia anime so far.

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My Hero Academia is definitely one of the most popular anime out there by a wide margin. It has one of the most passionate fan bases on the internet to the point where the start of every season is a noteworthy event. My Hero Academia is a more traditional shonen than newer shows but it does it all well.

Like many older shonen, one of the main selling points of the show is its cast of unique and dynamic characters. My Hero Academia boasts a vast cast of characters many of whom are all nuanced and interesting in their own right especially when compared to other shows. My Hero Academia is somewhat famous for developing characters a lot faster than other shows, giving characters who don’t get a lot of screentime a lot more depth than they otherwise would. Today, we are going to look at another one of these characters.

Today we are going to talk about Hawks, one of the side characters we get introduced to a few seasons into the run of the show. Despite being a somewhat minor side character who only recently gets introduced, it is easy to see that he is as interesting or more interesting than many of the more developed characters in the series. In fact, Hawks is likely one of the best characters introduced in the show and is definitely a fan favorite character.

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Hawks is somewhat of a childhood prodigy. Ever since he first manifested his quirk, people knew he was destined for great things. His quirk was powerful and more importantly it was adaptable for a variety of situations.

He was valuable almost immediately and due to this, he had a hard life. His father tried to keep him away from interacting with anyone, fearing that his life may be under threat. Due to this, he grew up very sheltered, hardly ever even being able to leave his home. He never interacted with anyone that wasn’t part of his family.

He was so sheltered that he used to think that heroes weren’t real. Whenever he saw them on TV, he believed that they were part of a tv show or a movie. It wasn’t until he grew older that he found out they were actually real and fighting real battles against real villains.

Despite his hard life, Hawks grew up to be a kind and well- adjusted individual.


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Character Info

Reveal Status (Spoilers)



Position in Anime:Pro-Hero

More Information

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Birthday:December 28

Height: 172 cm

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Golden

Quirk: Fierce Wings


Family: Father, Tomie Takami (Mother)

Affiliations: Hero Public Safety Commisiions, Parnormal Liberation Front

Appearances in ANIME/MANGA

Manga Debut: Chapter 184

Anime Debut: Episode 66

Voice Actors

Japanese: Yuichi Nakamura

English: Zeno Robinson


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My Hero Academia is well known for having distinctive and memorable character designs and Hawks is certainly no exception. On the surface, he looks like a normal young male little different from anyone else in the show. He has a rather slim build that he seems to think translates to how dependable he is. He often says that his back is not wide enough to carry all the burdens that are put on him. He also has short blonde hair that he often wears styled into spikes.

Hawks is meant to represent a bird and that fact is immediately obvious once you notice the large red wings coming out of his back. These wings are almost as tall as Hawks himself is, and are at least half again as wide as him. They are not just for show, and he can actually flap.

He has very distinctive eyes from the rest of the cast. They are bright gold and his pupils seem to be two small triangles. Hawks is rarely seen without a large yellow visor covering the top part of his face.

Outside of that, he is usually seen wearing a yellow jacket with a pair of matching trousers. Underneath, he is seen wearing a large black t-shirt. Finally, he hardly ever goes without his pair of thick black boots.

Later on in the series, his outfit does change as he is seen wearing a large mask following his injuries. This is presumably to help him breathe after he sustained wounds on his face and throat (My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 299).

Finally, near the extreme end of the series he is shown with a new hairstyle, his hair cut much shorter than they were before.


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Hawks has one of the most interesting personalities of any character in the entire series. He is a complex and layered character with many different facets that all need to be looked at closely. When looking at him, we need to look into some of the key traits that really define his character.

Many times we see Hawks seeming to be bored or uninterested in the trappings of authority. What he really seems to not be interested in are many of the pointless burdens and ceremonies that go with having to be one of the highest ranked heroes. As such, he is often seen flaunting authority whenever he gets the chance, preferring to do things the way he thinks they would be done best.

The most obvious example of this was when all of the highest ranking heroes had to appear in front of the public after All Might’s retirement. Hawks seemed to be uninterested in the ceremony of the whole thing and later on, even took to disrupting it (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 23).

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Hawks does not really seem to value raw fighting ability the way that most of the other heroes do. For instance, when the heroes were being ranked he seemed to actively dispute the rankings, stating the importance of the popularity poll instead.

This is because Hawks believes that the point of a Hero isn’t just to defeat villains and be strong. The much more important job they have is to make as many people feel safe as they possibly can. He seems to actively take a jab at Endeavor, since despite being the number 1 hero he was only ranked number 4 in the popularity polls (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 23).

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Despite being the number 2 ranked hero, Hawks does not seem to be very interested in rising any further in the ranks. He instead goes as far as to say that he regrets being as high ranked as he is when he could take it much easier being a lower ranked hero (My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 186).

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Calm Demeanour

Hawks possesses a calm and reserved demeanour every time we see him. When he is seen walking with Endeavor, he is also saving people from everyday incidents all around him. As this happens, Hawks doesn’t even seem to notice what he is doing no matter what is happening. Even Endeavor looks more than a little surprised with how easily he is taking things (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 24).

This extends to when he is the center of attention to. As a highly ranked hero, he is a bit of a celebrity wherever he goes. In these situations where all eyes are on him, he always acts quiet and reserved but also shows off a level of confidence. You would hardly even think that everyone else is focusing on him in these situations.

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Collectivist Nature

Despite seeming to be uninterested in being a high ranking Hero, Hawks does appear to care a lot about hero work and what heroes are to the public. He keeps on trying to make sure Endeavor can take over the role of All Might in his place.

He goes to great lengths to educate Endeavor on all the public relations aspects of being a hero he lacks in. In his own thoughts, he thinks that Endeavor can more than just replace All Might and goes to every length he can to make sure he gets there (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 25).

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Emotional Strength

Hawks lived through a harsh childhood. He grew up in a very dysfunctional family and had to work hard to not end up like his parents did. Hawks was kept away from the world as he was deemed to be far too valuable to let roam around outside. He hardly ever interacted with anyone except his parents and everyday was hard for him. Despite all of this, he seemed to grow up into a well adjusted individual. This is simply not possible unless you have a high degree of emotional strength.

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During the later parts of the series, Hawks is working as a double agent and is often seen being regretful for all the things he has to do in his new role. He seems to regret the injuries Endeavor sustained in his fight against the Nomu and further seems to regret that the whole thing happened at all (My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 191).

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Hawks is definitely one of the smarter heroes we see during the course of the show. He is working as an undercover agent and numerous times has to outsmart them in order to not blow his cover. Besides that, he also seems to think deeply about the society he lives in as a whole and how to make it safer for everyone. This is a level of care and foresight we rarely get to see from many other characters in the show (My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 1).

Strengths and Skills

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Hawks is one of the strongest characters we see in the entire show and this is especially impressive when you consider his age. When we first see him, he is only twenty years old but has already climbed the ranks to be the number 2 hero. He more than earns his place, being much more skillful and intelligent than many of the other characters we see in the show.

Hawks is frequently shown to be one of the fastest characters in the show. This is also the one aspect of his strength that he seems to take the most pride in. He is easily able to keep up with the Nomu that even Endeavor says is above him in speed (My Hero Academia Season 4).

Hawks also has a reputation of being too fast for other heroes to keep up with. During missions, he is often so fast that he cleans up the main threat well before his sidekicks can get in on the action. They are usually often left to clean up after him rather than directly help him out.

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Hawks’ quirk manifests two large wings across his back, much like that of a bird. These wings are composed of individual feathers and the size of his wings changes depending on how many feathers he has at any given moment.

His quirk allows him to do several things, each of which we will discuss below.

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Much like a bird, Hawks can actually use his wings to fly by flapping them. This ability depends on how many feathers he has as if he has too few, he is unable to keep flying (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 25). These wings are what allow him to be so fast, with him being so fast in flight that it is hard for most normal people to keep up with him.

We do not know exactly how far up he can fly, but we can presume it is pretty high up given his character design. It is likely that the visor he wears over his face is to make his life easier when he is flying above the clouds.

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Feather Sword

Hawks can use each of the individual feathers in his wings as a makeshift sword. These swords are strong enough to take out the weaker Nomu spawned by the stronger one. However, this is where Hawks meets his only limitation.

These feather swords are not strong enough to take on enemies that have a high level of endurance. Hawks himself remarks that he is not very good against Power types (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 25).

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Weight Lifting

Hawks can use each of his wings to lift large objects by themselves. This allows Hawks to never really need to lift a winger as it is likely his feathers can support more weight than his arms themselves can. During the attack, we see each of his feathers effortlessly pick up and carry people of all shapes and sizes.

We do not know exactly what the limit is for things they can carry but we can assume that it is significant as there wasn’t a single person that he was not able to save.

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Sensory Abilities

Hawks can use his feathers to detect changes in his environment. These involve him being able to tell where people are despite not directly being able to see them. It appears that he can build a map around him, accurately able to detect the locations of every person around him.

We saw this in action when the hotel was attacked. Using his feathers, Hawks was able to find and rescue every person in his hotel, no matter where they were inside the building (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 24).

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Independant Action

Hawks can use his feathers independently of his main body. He can use his feather individually, with each of them able to perform some kind of function all on its own.

This is most obvious when we see him walking out with Endeavor, with each of his feathers going out and rescuing people all around him. It does not appear that he needs to be directly aware of this either, as he can save people without even registering that they might need his help.

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Speed Enhancement

Besides using his feathers for himself, Hawks can also send his feathers away from himself and onto his allies to boost their speed. In the fight against the Nomu, he is able to attack his feathers to Endeavor instead of himself.

This provides a very significant speed boost as Endeavor was not able to keep up with his opponent at all without them (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 25).

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When his individual feathers are destroyed, they can regenerate after some period of time. We do not yet know how long he needs to regenerate an individual feather but it is slow enough that he can’t actively use this ability during a fight.

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Audio Perception

Using each of his individual feathers, Hawks can detect all the air vibrations in the air around him. Using this information, he is able to detect the conversations of people anywhere without them being aware of it.

This ability can be used for reconnaissance and is definitely one of the strongest information gathering abilities we see in the series.


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High End Nomu Arc

This is the arc where we first got introduced to Hawks. Hawks first showed up in a showcase for the highest ranking heroes. Here, he was seen flaunting their authority before suggesting that the real important ranking was the Hero Popularity Poll (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 23).

Soon after this, he took Endeavor to a hotel to inform him of the rumors he had been hearing about the Nomu. During this occasion, they were attacked by the High End Nomu. Hawks in this fight primarily focused on rescuing other people and making sure they did not get involved in the fighting while Endeavor took care of the enemy.

When it was clear that Endeavor could not deal with the threat all on his own, he sent his feathers to him to boost his speed. With their combined powers, they were able to just barely defeat the High End Nomu (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 25).

In this arc, we learn what his quirk is as well as his feelings of admiration towards Endeavor.


1: Hawks is the youngest Pro Hero in history. Not only that, he is only the youngest hero to ever be a part of the top ten heroes.

2: Hawks was a fan of Endeavor from childhood, and he definitely had a large influence on him growing up.

3: Despite everything to do with his quirk and his appearance, his favorite dishes all involve chicken (My Hero Academia Volume 20).

4: Hawks is the highest ranking Hero we know who did not come from UA High.

More My Hero Academia Facts

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Hawks | My Hero Academia Wiki (INFO) - QTA (25)


Hawks grew up in a very dysfunctional family. Not only was he forced to not interact with the outside world, he was also subjected to physical abuse by his father. His mother would frequently turn a blind eye to things like this. He watched his parents and quickly decided that he wanted anything but to end up like them. Thus, he strove to be the exact opposite of them, becoming a well adjusted individual despite the way he was raised.

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Endeavor was Hawks’ hero growing up. He was even seen playing with an Endeavor action figure of him growing up. Unlike many of his other fans, Hawks sees much deeper into Endeavor and appreciates him especially much for trying to surpass All Might when no-one else was putting in the effort (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 25).

Now, he wants Endeavor to take the place that All Might had. To this end, he tries to help him out and sets him up in the public eye as the strongest and most reliable hero.


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Hero Safety Commission

Hawks is one of the highest ranking members of the Hero Commission. He climbed up the ranks from a very young age due to all the latent potential he had thanks to his quirk. He does not seem to value the bureaucracy of the institution much, thinking that many of their traditions and practices are just a waste of time.

Nonetheless, he believes very strongly that humanity needs an organization like this if it is to survive. He goes so far as to try and strengthen the association from the sides by making Endeavor more presentable to the public (My Hero Academia Season 4 Episode 23).

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Paranormal Liberation Front

Hawks was forced to join the Paranormal Liberation Front as part of a mission. His duty was to gain their trust and then spy on them from the inside. Due to this, he had to take part in villainous missions such as orchestrating the attack on Endeavor.

Hawks clearly does not like this association or its members but he goes along with it for the safety of everyone (My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 1).

Voice Actor






Hawks is voiced in Japanese by Yuichi Nakamura. Yuichi is no stranger to larger animation productions given his many roles in other anime. He played roles in anime like ‘Tokyo Ghoul’ and ‘Haikyuu’.

In the English Dub, Hawks is played by Zeno Robinson. Unlike his japanese counterpart, Zeno Robinson does not have a long history of appearing in anime productions. One of his few other roles was in ‘Weathering With You’.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, Hawks is an interesting character in a series that is already well known for its many interesting and well thought out characters. We doubtless only know the barest thing about Hawks and the future will shine yet more light on his character. Overall, he is one of the many characters that make My Hero Academia an anime staple in modern times.


1: My Hero Academia Season 4, Episode 23

2: My Hero Academia Season 4, Episode 24

3: My Hero Academia Season 4, Episode 25

4: My Hero Academia Manga Volume 20

5: My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 186

6: My Hero Academia Manga Chapter 191

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