Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (2024)


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Colored Materials
  • 3 Accuracy Bonuses
  • 4 Weapon Timers
  • 5 Weapons Chart
  • 6 Armor Values
    • 6.1 Durability
      • 6.1.1 Weapon Durability
      • 6.1.2 Spellbook and Arcane Staff Durability
      • 6.1.3 Armor Durability
  • 7 Armor and Meditation
  • 8 Armor Location Penalty
  • 9 Armor Material Penalty
    • 9.1 Example
  • 10 Armor and Magic Resist Ignoring
  • 11 Stamina Loss from Damage
  • 12 Stamina Fatigue Penalties
  • 13 Mindblast Spell
  • 14 Armor Suit Summaries
  • 15 Arms Lore


  • Weapons are Insta-Hit and Quick Switch, meaning a player who swings with a halberd and then wishes to equip and swing a katana will only have to wait for the katana's swing delay before making their next attack (instead of the halberd's delay)
  • Ranged weapons have a flat .5 second Stationary Delay regardless of player Dexterity
  • Armor Values are cumulative, meaning damage from melee attacks are reduced based on the player's total armor value, instead of just the armor value of the individual location hit
  • Meditation Penalties are now a cumulative total of all equipped pieces, and no longer based on the "worst piece" a player is wearing. For instance, a platemail gorget worn with a full suit of leather would only create a total -7% meditation penalty (instead of a -100% penalty)
  • Dexterity Penalties have been removed from armor and shields and replaced with a Stamina Fatigue Penalty that increases the amount of stamina the player loses when taking damage
  • A player's Stamina Fatigue Penalty is derived from their Meditation Penalty
  • Players take more damage from the Mind Blast spell based on their Meditation Penalties from armor
  • Players can view the full stats, both the base values as well as effective values, of armor and weapons through usage of the Arms Lore skill
  • Players can access a Player Stats Profile page to see a listing of all items they have equipped and summaries of their effective stats / percentages based on their current equipment

Colored Materials

In addition to the traditional colored ores available for blacksmithing items, colored board and colored leather types have been introduced that are equivalents to a corresponding ore type (albeit with a slightly altered name). For instance, a Valorite viking sword would receive the same material bonuses as would a Valewood quarterstaff. Or a set of Shadow Iron ringmail would receive the same material bonuses as a set of Shadowhide leather armor.

Accuracy Bonuses

As per patch August 22,2019. Accuracy bonuses to melee weapons from items (Colored Materials, Magical Properties, Aspects, Mastery Chains, etc) are now capped by a player's base melee skill for that weapon.


  • A player with 100 Swordsmanship can receive a max of up to +100% melee accuracy bonus from items
  • A player with 50 Swordsmanship can receive a max of up to +50% melee accuracy bonus from items
  • A player with 0 Swordsmanship can receive a max of up to +0% melee accuracy bonus from items

Weapon Timers

  • Weapons are Insta-Hit and Quick Switch, meaning once a player makes a weapon swing, the delay before they can make another weapon swing is based on the next weapon's normal swing delay
  • Once a player swings a Halberd (3 second swing speed), they would only have to wait 1.5 seconds to equip and swing a katana (1.5 second swing speed)
  • Ranged weapons have a flat .5 second stationary delay requiring players, regardless of their Dexterity, to stay in place before firing

Weapons Chart

Weapons Chart
SpeedSec/SwingBaseDiceCountDiceMaxMinDmgMaxDmgAvg DmgAvg Dmg
vs 35AR
Avg Dmg
vs 95AR
50% SSi
65% SSi
75% SSi
Fencing581.29328519129.925.709.287.674.400.65 0.45 0.32 (1H) Kryss, Assassin's Knife, Hunting Knife, Kukri
Swordsmanship561.3423652012.510.345.939.337.724.430.67 0.47 0.34 (1H) Katana, Cutlass, Scimitar
Mace Fighting541.393447191310.756.179.367.744.440.70 0.49 0.35 (1H) Club, Hammerpick, War Axe, Cudgel, Skull Club
Grinding (Light)
Fencing501.5012133271512.417.1210.008.274.750.750.53 0.38 (1H) Warfork, Epee, Rapier, Fencing Sabre
Swordsmanship481.5623852615.512.827.369.928.204.710.780.55 0.39 (1H) Longswords, Broadsword, Viking Sword, Norse Axe
Mace Fighting461.6345492416.513.657.8310.128.374.800.820.57 0.41 (1H) Mace, Maul, War Mace (2H) Pickaxe, Flanged Mace, Flail
Archery342.215387311915.719.028.617. Bow, Hunting Bow, Recurve Bow
Wrestling501.5012133271512.417.1210.008.274.750.750.53 0.38 (1H) Martial Manual, Cestus, Fistblade
Grinding (Medium)
Fencing401.8852147332016.549.4910.678.825.060.940.66 0.47 (2H) Short Spear, Pitchfork
Swordsmanship381.97738103120.516.959.7310.398.594.930.990.69 0.49 (2H) Axe, Battle Axe, Double Axe, Executioner's Axe, Hatchet
Mace Fighting362.08954142921.517.7810.2010.328.534.901.040.730.52(2H) Gnarled Staff, Black Staff, Quarters Staff, Shepherds Crook
Archery282.686489392419.8511.398.967.414.251.340.940.67(1H) Crossbow, Balestra, Pistol Crossbow
Fencing302.5062168382319.0210.929.207.614.371.250.880.63(2H) Spear, Sarissa
Swordsmanship253.00931211452823.1613.299.337.724.431.501.050.75(2H) Halberd, Bardiche, Zweihander, Great Axe,
Mace Fighting272.7857512402621.5012.349.367.744.441.390.970.70(2H) Warhammer, Great Sledge, Great Mace, Giant Spiked Mace, Giant Club
Archery203.7575910503024.8114.248.006.623.801.881.310.94(2H) Heavy Crossbow, Rampart Crossbow, Great Bow
Fishing203.7565507562.551.6829.6716.6713.797.921.881.310.94(2H) Harpoon, Trident
Swing Speed Caps at 75% - Seconds per Swing Caps at 0.50 seconds per swing (highlighted in red)
Training Weapons - Training weapons all have normalized attack speed and damage dealing a max of 1 HP per swing
Two Handed Weapons in PvM - Two-Handed Close Range Weapons (Non-Archery) grant players a 20% Damage Bonus towards Creatures
(This is to offset not being able to wield a shield or drink potions as readily)

Armor Values

The cumulative total Armor Value of all equipped armor pieces is used to determine the damage reduced by physical attacks. Physical attacks traditionally refer to melee attacks from monsters and players, but also can include monster breath attacks or even some devastating champion or boss effects.

Physical Damage reduced by armor is randomized between:

  • Minimum Amount: (.333% * (Total Armor Value))
  • Maximum Amount: (.666% * (Total Armor Value))
  • So a player with 50 Armor Value will reduce melee damage between 16.5% to 33%.

Bonuses from GM or Magical Properties on Armor are as follows:

TypeArmor Value
GM or Guarding+40%


  • Weapon and Armor suffer a penalty when they reach 0 Hit Points and are considered "Broken"

Weapon Durability

  • Broken weapons suffer a 25% Penalty to Damage Dealt
  • Starting Durability of weapons is now 50 Hit Points

Spellbook and Arcane Staff Durability

  • Broken Spellbooks and Arcane Staves suffer a 25% Penalty to Spell Damage
  • Starting Durability of Spellbooks is now 150 Hit Points

Armor Durability

  • Broken armor suffers a 50% Penalty to Armor Rating
  • Starting Durability of armor is now 50 Hit Points

Armor and Meditation

  • Base passive mana regen rate is 1 mana restored every 2 seconds
  • Mana regen rate is increased by (100% * (Meditation skill / 100))
  • Mana regen rate is increased by (100% if player is actively meditating)
  • Mana regen rate is penalized by (2% * (player's Total Armor Meditation Penalty))
  • Maximum mana regen rate possible is 1 mana restored every .5 seconds
  • Minimum mana regen rate possible is 1 mana restored every 8 seconds
  • A player's Total Armor Meditation Penalty is equal to the combined Meditation Penalties of all armor worn
  • Each piece of armor a player wears has an Meditation Penalty equal to it's (Armor Location Penalty * Armor Material Penalty)

Armor Location Penalty

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Armor Material Penalty

Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (8)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (9)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (10)No Armor, Leather Armor, Buckler, or Wooden Shield0%
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (11)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (12)Studded Armor or Wooden Kite Shield20%
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (13)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (14)Bone Armor or Metal Shield40%
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (15)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (16)Ringmail Armor or Bronze Shield60%
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (17)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (18)Chainmail Armor or Metal Kite Shield80%
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (19)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (20)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (21)Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (22)Platemail Armor, Heater Shield, or Chaos/Order Shield100%


A player wearing a suit of all studded leather but with a platemail gorget would have:

(.35 * .20) + (.22 * .20) + (.15 * .20) + (.14 * .20) + (.07 * .20) + (.07 * 1.0)) = 25.6% Total Armor Penalty.

Which would result in a (2 * 25.6%) = -51.2% effect on their Mana Regen rate.

Examples of Total Armor Meditation Penalties and its effect on a player's Mana Regen rate for full suits of a single material are as follows:

MaterialMeditation PenaltyMana Regen Rate
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No Armor or
Leather Armor
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Studded Armor
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (25)
Bone Armor
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Ringmail Armor
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (27)
Chainmail Armor
Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (28)
Platemail Armor

Armor and Magic Resist Ignoring

  • Any mechanic (Pet Ability/Trait, Aspect Armor Effect, Mastery Chain Bonus) that has a chance to Ignore Armor or Ignore Magic Resist, if successfully triggered against a creature that already effectively has 0 Armor or 0 Magic Resist respectively, will instead gain a +15% damage bonus to the attack or spell (this will never apply in PvP however) patch Feb 14,2020

Stamina Loss from Damage

Whenever a player takes any damage (from spells, weapons, poison, etc) they will suffer a loss of stamina based on the amount of damage caused. The normal amount of stamina damage dealt is (Damage Amount / 5) * (Player Dex / 100). If the stamina loss amount has a decimal, that decimal amount simply becomes a percentage chance to round up the stamina loss amount. For instance, a stamina loss of 3.25 would be 3 stamina lost and a 25% chance to become 4 stamina lost. A stamina loss of .75 would simply be a 75% chance to lose 1 stamina.

When determining the stamina losses caused by melee attacks, the Damage Amount used is based on the total damage of the attack before factoring in reductions for armor, parrying, or any other effects that will lower the amount of damage taken by the defender. A player who is hit by another player's Macing weapon will take +25% more stamina loss than normal from the attack. Additionally, players wearing armor types with meditation penalties will suffer further penalties to the amount of stamina losses they taken when suffering damage, as described below.

Stamina Fatigue Penalties

Armor pieces no longer have any Dexterity penalties conferred by wearing them. Instead, they now have a Stamina Fatigue penalty which increases the amount of stamina the wearer will lose when taking damage. A player's Total Stamina Fatigue Penalty is their (Total Armor Meditation Penalty / 2).

For example, a player wearing a full set of Chainmail armor (which has a 80% Total Armor Meditation Penalty) would have a Stamina Fatigue Penalty of 40%, meaning they would take lose 40% more stamina when taking damage than normal. Example stamina fatigue penalties from various full sets of armor are as follows:

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Mindblast Spell

The Mind Blast does additional damage to players based on their current Meditation Penalty from armor. The spell also does additional damage to creatures based on their armor value.

  • The damage bonus to Players is (Total Meditation Penalty% / 2)
  • The damage bonus to Creatures is (.25% * Total Armor Value)

So against a player wearing full plate (which has a 100% Total Meditation Penalty) the Mind Blast spell would inflict +50% damage. Against a creature with an Armor Rating of 100, the Mind Blast spell would inflict +25% damage.

Armor Suit Summaries

The Armor Values, Meditation Penalties, and Stamina Fatigue Penalties of full suits of armor of the following types are as follows:

MaterialBase ArmorMeditation PenaltyStamina LossMind Blast Damage
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PieceMaterialArmor RatingMaterial PenaltyLocation Penalty
Orc Helm
Wooden Kite510%
Metal Kite875%
Non-GM, NPC bought armors

Arms Lore

Players may use the Arms Lore skill on any Weapon, Armor, or Musical Instrument to view the base and player-effective stats for the item, regardless of the player's Arms Lore skill level. In the Arms Lore Window they can click a button in the upper right corner to switch to a personalized view that shows what effective values the item will have based on the player's stats and skills (such as Swing Delays being adjusted for that player Dexterity, or damage inflicted adjusted by Tactics, Anatomy, and Arms Lore as well as weapon properties).

Base Values for armor pieces will show the individual armor's contribution to the player. The secondary page for armor shows what a full suit of that armor type would be contributing to the player. Players may also click on the View Player Stats Profile button to view a summary of all their equipped gear. This window can alternatively be launched by using the Arms Lore skill and targeting the player themselves or through the Outlands Help Menu.

Armor & Weapons - UO Outlands Wiki (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 6247

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.